[О блоге] [наверх] [пред] [2018-02-28 23:20:23+03:00] [fdbd586081a8d780a1e0e4feebfc60c21f06baf5]
Темы: [fun]

"Крипто": предупреждение от модераторов рассылки cryptography@

Администраторов/модераторов рассылки достали люди которые стали обзывать
blockchain или криптовалюты просто "криптой". Сделали предупреждение,
так как всех вводит в заблуждение.

    Dear Subscribers;

    The use of the term "crypto" to refer to blockchain based currencies
    is henceforth permanently banned from this list. The list is about
    cryptography, and the word refers to cryptography, not blockchain
    currencies, at least around here.

    Messages that use the term "crypto" to refer to currencies will not be
    forwarded by the moderators. You may or may not get a rejection
    notification, depending on the arbitrary and capricious whim of the
    person on duty.

    If you want to discuss cryptographic currencies, do so using a term
    that doesn't irritate and annoy people.

    Sometimes we'll make mistakes as this will be manually enforced by the
    moderators. Do not take any such errors as invitation to perpetuate
    the odious neologism in further messages. Feel free to let us know if
    we miss something as well.

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