[О блоге] [наверх] [пред] [2019-02-12 17:17:15+03:00] [ea11f066a3e22752c556e36b4ae96a1073ec5f29]

Блокчейны и доверие

Отличная статья Брюса Шнайера о доверии к blockchain-ам, их реальной
пользе. Всё крутится вокруг доверия -- в данном случае вокруг доверия
к исходному коду.

    Do you need a public blockchain? The answer is almost certainly no.
    A blockchain probably doesn't solve the security problems you think
    it solves. The security problems it solves are probably not the ones
    you have. (Manipulating audit data is probably not your major
    security risk.) A false trust in blockchain can itself be a security
    risk. The inefficiencies, especially in scaling, are probably not
    worth it. I have looked at many blockchain applications, and all of
    them could achieve the same security properties without using a
    blockchain­ -- of course, then they wouldn't have the cool name.

    Honestly, cryptocurrencies are useless. They're only used by
    speculators looking for quick riches, people who don't like
    government-backed currencies, and criminals who want a black-market
    way to exchange money.

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