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[2017-05-01 11:46:10+03:00]
Хорошо описанная разница между открытым и свободным ПО
А конкретно, абзац:
In fact free software a very good term because it is harder
to explain so you have to explain it properly. Like this:
"Most software deprives you of the Freedoms to share, modify and
study, by keeping the human-readable copy of the code secret and/or
using copyright law to restrict you. This is called nonfree
software, and is gives the developer control over it's users; this
makes the program an instrument of unjust power. Free Software is
software that respects the user's rights to control their computing.
With Free Software, you can study and modify the code, and share the
changes with your friends. This is important to society because it
means we are in control of our tools. Free Software is a matter of
freedom, not price. How much it costs is irrelevant, freedom is what
matters. Software that doesn't cost anything is freeware..."
"Open Source" is too easy to explain because you can just say:
“Open source is software that publishes the human-readable version
of the code and gives you permission to study, modify and
redistribute it.”
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