[О блоге] [наверх] [пред] [2019-12-03 22:43:22+03:00] [b103d3034ccfa9fcefb875fceb3c09e55cfc2e4e]

Автор Remind утилиты об Microsoft и Apple


Microsoft Policy

   Remind can be made to run under Windows if you compile it with the
   Cygwin tools. However, I prefer you not to do that. Microsoft has in
   the past abused its monopoly position in an attempt to restrict free
   software, and currently exercises its dominant position in the
   business computing industry to lock its customers in. I'd prefer you
   to run Remind on a platform that is not controlled by Microsoft.

Apple Policy

   Remind can be made to run under Mac OS X, but I prefer you not to do
   that. Apple is even more hostile than Microsoft to openness, using
   both technical and legal means to hobble what its customers and
   developers are allowed to do. If you are thinking of buying an Apple
   product, please don't. If you're unfortunate enough to already own
   Apple products, please consider switching to an open platform like
   Linux or FreeBSD that doesn't impose "1984"-like restrictions on your

   Tim Bray, a major Internet technology pioneer, said it best in his
   blog post:

     The iPhone vision of the mobile Internet's future omits
     controversy, sex, and freedom, but includes strict limits on who
     can know what and who can say what. It's a sterile Disney-fied
     walled garden surrounded by sharp-toothed lawyers. The people who
     create the apps serve at the landlord's pleasure and fear his

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