[О блоге] [наверх] [пред] [2021-06-11 12:25:13+03:00] [7357a4dd40f2fe4b63e9101d03be61fd9af13921]
Темы: [fun]

Нужно начать улучшать web-сайт suckless.org

Очень понравились хорошо объяснённые предложения по улучшению и
популяризации сайта этого проекта:

    I think the suckless website could do with some updating. I think suckless
    has potential, but people are turned off by the old website. Using a more
    modern website built with a modern framework like React or VueJS could
    probably solve a lot of its problems.

    Some of the problems:

    1. I am able to find most information by using the clearly labelled menu
       items. This is very boring! A good website makes users search for the
       content they want, this is more fun and drives engagement.

    2. I am unable to find a mobile app for either iOS or Android? Is there a
       suckless mobile app? You really can't afford to NOT have a mobile app
       these days.

    3. Because the website is written in plain language with relevant and
       useful content the SEO score is very low. You can add some more
       critical keywords as a quick fix, but personally I would recommend some
       larger changes, such as renaming "software that sucks less" to "Is it
       true that software can suck less? We compiled 7 reasons why it could!"

       Other content that could be added are blog posts, for example "How
       suckless' minimalism can help your relationship with your dog", or "Six
       different ways suckless can get you laid", "Why Linus Torvalds says he
       HATES suckless", "Does using suckless mean you're a beta cuck?", etc.
       The most important part is a title that will either 1) confirm people's
       preconceived notions, or 2) outrage people. Most people don't read the
       article so that's not very important, as long as it uses many keywords.
       It's also important to post this on at least 46 subreddits, Hacker
       News, Lobste.rs, etc. Don't worry if it may be on-topic or not, with
       some luck it will slip past the moderation because your incendiary
       title will drive engagement. You can always create a new account if you
       get banned.

    4. Suckless.org currently has a score of 100 on Google PageSpeed. This is
       far too high. The homepage loads in about 200ms for me, far too fast
       too. Slower load times increases frustration of users, and more
       emotional users drive greater engagement.

    5. It doesn't ask to send me notifications at all. As a user, I feel
       undervalued and ignored. Please, ask for notifications and send me a
       notification every time something important happens, such as mailing
       list posts, or other important events such as a suckless developer
       breaking wind. I absolutely need to know about this without any delay

Смешно, но как бы не было грустно от осознавания факта что ведь
корпорации и компании именно так себя и ведут и именно подобные
предложения и внедряют, уверен что и с такой аргументацией.

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