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[2017-07-27 11:36:43+03:00]
Темы: [hate]
Уже надоело, но очередные вести о Sourceforge
Автор S-mailx завёл тикеты на SF.net о том что теперь ещё и mbox-ы со
всем архивом почтовых рассылок стали недоступны. Раньше они хотя бы
админам были видны. И мне понравился его ответ о том что SF.net ведь
действительно роют себе могилу:
I doubt this is true. Which countries? Which laws? This is my
project. The people subscribed to hear about my software. If you
want to reduce traffic and turn your users to happy but dumb
robots which may not do anything but can be fired at with
advertisements for which you get paid, then why don't you say it
like that. You ruin Sourceforge. You would be nothing without
those projects you are doing this at. It would have been fair to
at least give a warning note to administrators in advance so
that they can manage to shutdown their project at Sourceforge
gracefully. I have no doubt that what you do is covered savely
by american law, but my gut feeling is what i am talking about
and that says "what you do is criminal". Thanks for your
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