[О блоге] [наверх] [пред] [2025-03-11 11:14:49+03:00] [3342002daf11a729fc4591577a72b81d8cfda5df]
Темы: [crypto][web]

Firefox форсирует HTTPS использование

Не только я недоволен форсированным криптобесием касательно HTTPS.

* you now get a error for sites not sponsored by big corps such as Let's Encrypt.
* this means, billions of small sites are now unreadable. You only get
  to read big corp sites.
* forcing https, began by google, is a way to censor the masses and control info.
* in the beginning, google empire mildly suggested it, for so called security.
* then, mysteriously, at the same time some org spring up offering https for free.
* then it gets gradually worse. sites without https shows as insecure
  warning sign. scare tactics.
* vast majority of sites are not shopping sites.
* also, vast majority, even coders, making a cert is too much hassle, even free.
* then u get the expire issue, which occurs very often.
* requiring cert, basically force sites to be centralized by a few giant
  orgs. (and there is lots war n scam within cert orgs, there's
* and, oddly, for so called security of non-credit card sites, they no
  sanction self cert.
* and now, basically, firefox begin simply prevent reading of non ngo
  sanctioned sites. that's basically billions of sites.
* firefox says it's experimental. of course, they r trying to see how
  deep it can go, how coders receives it.

Letsencrypt is a tool of capture to make it easier to censor people by
revoking their access to CAs.

HTTPS and more specifically Let's Encrypt is a power play to control the
internet and prevent counter-culture from forming. By browsers using
scare tactics for enforcing https it puts the control of the internet
into a handful of CAs making you vulnerable to cancelling.

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